Data is very important, but it needs to be processed, filtered, and analyze, to correctly use and apply to grow your online business. So you need to know all the potential that ASINScanner on this complete guide.
This is a quite long Guide so we have divided in 5 sections:
Overview Process and Uploading DATA FILES to AsinScanner
Understanding DATA in ASINSCANNER
Manage Project Files Reports ( Search, Refresh, Delete)
All about Views (Personalize, Save, Restore Defaults)
Personalize your Spreadsheet (Columns, Filtering, Sort)
Exporting Data
ERRO LOG Findings
Overview Process and Uploading Product FILES to AsinScanner
To create a new Project or AsinScaner Report follow this simple steps. >
Gather Product listings from suppliers or from PH Chrome Extension AsinExtractor.
Generate a .csv or .xls file with your list of up to 5000 products with at least columns ASIN Amazon Unique Identificator or UPC Universal Product Code, and needs to have CPU Cost Per UNIT, if not available create with 0.00 cost.
Upload File To AsinScanner -New Project: Follow up the upload window,
Select File from Device File Manager or Drop into Box.
Select Desired Amazon Marketplace to process data from.
If correctly labeled Columns validate data example visor
If no correctly labeled or mismatch type accept warnings windows, assign to ASIN or UPC drop down corresponding columns, and CPU, dropdown corresponding column, Than validate data example visor.
Read data type warnings modify or accept
Click on analize File to start Process
Wait for Data Gathering Automation Process from Amazon Servers, manually refresh AsinScanner listing page to visualize progress update.
Once completed Click File Name on listing to Open Project, then apply styles, filters and strategies to find your best product opportunities.
Export and download Results to xls file to continue analyzing.
Understanding DATA in ASINSCANNER
Data Definition is key factor to your understanding and analyzing to get the most out of AsinScanner.
ASIN: stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number.
It’s a unique identifier of 10 letters and/or numbers for a product that’s assigned by Amazon. It’s primarily used for product-identification within their product catalog of billions of items.
For books, the ASIN is the same as the ISBN number. For all other products, a new ASIN is created when an item is uploaded to Amazon’s catalog.
Note: ASINs are only guaranteed to be unique within a marketplace. That means different national Amazon sites may use different ASINs for the same product
UPC: A Universal Product Code (UPC) is a 12-digit number used to uniquely identify a product in a retail setting also know as BARCODE Number printed in products.
CPU: Cost Per Unit, this will be your defined cost of your purchase product per unit. This is uploaded on your xls , csv file based on your supplier price cost offered to you.
*If, you have set up ASINScanner advanced options, you might define a % of Cost Per Unit what AsinScanner will do if this is defined, will discount this percentage to your cost per unit and will show the result, as example uploaded file CPU is 100.00 and you define a % os Cost per Unit at 5%, then on the displayed CPU will be 100 - 5 = 95.00 this is very useful to define when you have an extra discount as per using a discount cards, cupon, or your credit card benefits of your purchase. You consider that benefit directly in asin scanner in your cost of purchase.
Amazon On Listing: Know when Amazon is a direct seller for a particular listing, we usually don't want to sell products, when Amazon is selling on that listing, due the fact that Amazon offers very low sale price to their customers based on wholesale purchases. But this is not always the case so we recommend to keep on analyzing on those products, but if you want to filter out when amazon is selling that product you can select "False" on this column, or by the other side, you want to filter and search products where amazon is selling directly then select "true"
Has Buy Box: First let's understand what is and Buy Box refers to the white box on the right side of the Amazon product detail page, where customers can add items to cart or click buy now button for purchase on Amazon. If this BuyBox is Visible and you can Add to cart or Buy Now and you see The Actual selling price then the listing has a BuyBox Asigned and is True for AsinSacnner.
No BuyBox is when you cannot add to cart and you only see maybe the button to click to see other seller Offers. so this will be FALSE no BuyBox is assigned in Amazon. There are several causes why amazon does not assign a BuyBox to a Listing, most of the time is the price is very high based on previous buybox price assigned, or the negative or quality of sellers offering the product.
Current Selling Price: Here we have 3 scenarios -Selling Price when listing has a buybox will show the selling price value of the buybox.
-No buybox Assigned, ProfitHunter grabs the selling price for the best offered of active seller are selling the product, consider selling at this prices you will not be in buybox opportunity.
No offers if the ASIN has no active offers 0.00 will be assigned to current selling price. So you can filter out those with 0.00 to get opportunities there no one is selling that product right now.
FBA Fees: This is the FEE amazon will charge yout for using the Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) this service enables ecommerce retailers to store their products in Amazon warehouses — regardless of whether they actually sell on Amazon — and lets Amazon handle the packing and shipping of those products. And customer support.
Referral Fee: You get this charge as Referral Fee any time a customer buys your product from amazon. Keep in mind that the referral fee % is calculated from the total sale price, including the item price, shipping cost, and any gift-wrapping charges.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Referral FEE for MEXICO: to have a realistic margin, we have added to the referral fee the TAX 16% that Amazon always upcharge on payment details of each transaction, over the referral fee displayed in amazon calculator that don't include this taxes.
Profit: This is the BASIC Profit and will calculate the Sale Price in Amazon "BuyBox Price" then will takeout only Referral Fee minus FBA Fees minus Cost of Product (CPU). In this profit you still need to consider other expenses as shipping and operational costs.
NEW Profit: In this New profit Fields, will start from PROFIT but also consider some other costs of operations totalized as Custom Fees that includes the sum of the following costs( Fees by Unit, Fees by Weight, and for Mexico Tax Deduction. )
ROI: This will be your % of Margin based on the New Profit Column Utility.
Sales Rank: is the numerical representation of how well your product sells against other products in your category on Amazon. Also known as your Best Sellers Rank (BSR), your Amazon sales rank functions as a litmus test of your sales overall, albeit one that is constantly fluctuating
Category: Amazon categories and subcategories are used to organize product information and make it easier for customers to find what they're searching for. So you should correctly define the category where you are selling your product when creating a new listing. Or selectin what categories fit best for your business experiences in seller archive.
Brand Name: You can filter out bye brand, this is the name given by the maker to a product or range of products, especially a trademark.
IP Complaint: IP complaint is an intellectual property complaint from a brand. The complaint is a request from a brand to not use its trademark or sell its product. It a Brand Name is known to prior reported intellectual property in amazon is marked and you should be more aware and careful tu creates or sell products of this brands.
Fees by Unit: This are additional operational costs for each unit that you can personalize and setup its value under your profile advance setup, This cost can be such as expenses for previous shipping, labeling, pep centers, boxes, insurances, or other criteria your business needs to cost out of your margin.
Fees by Weight: This are the fees that are calculated to ship the products to amazon warehouse. This is defined on your advance setups in your profithunter profile. you cand define for each marketplace USA in Pounds Mexico and Canada in Kilograms, you setup your average cost per (pound-kilo) and profit hunter based on product volume weight will determine the cost of this shipping to FBA warehouse.
Tax: Tax column is only visible and available only on Mexico marketplace report, by Mexico's tax legislation depending on the product and or type of entity, Amazon will might retain and deduct Taxes (IVA and ISR) based from the selling price, so you need to define and ad your ProfitHunter profile AsinScanner advance setup values Tax in Mexico marketplace.
This deduction on tax will be displayed under Tax Column and will be deducted to the New Profit column and will affect your ROI %. And will be added to your Custom Fees Column.
Custom Fees: Custom fees is the total of personalized costs add Fees By Unit, Fees by Weight plus Tax only for Mexico MArketplace. This custom Fees will deduct on your final New Profit and also calculated on ROI.
Gated: Directly from asinscanner you have the visibility if your Amazon Seller account you can publish this product or you need to request authorization within your amazon seller account. You can filter out those products your are GATED (Not Authorized to sell on amazon)
Manage Project Files Reports ( Sort, Search, Refresh, Delete)
Once you uplaod several AsinScanner Project Files Reports, you will want to manage, delete and specially refresh tu update data report to actual date.
AsinScanner Reports Window Functionality:
Number of files to display: You can select how many file projects to display on the actual window view, click top left Show selector change from 10, 25, 50, 100 or view all of your uploaded project file reports to display.
SORT: By clicking on the header name columns you can change Sorting Mode from Ascending Descending of Default options.
Search: On the top right corner oull find a search text and type box, to search for any value on the file names of proyects you have uploaded. to help you find your desire file once you have multiple projects uploaded.
Click on the blue Refresh Button on the right Actions Column to force and duplicate project to UPDATE actual data on the report.
Important consideration: The data on the AsinScanner project report ,is generated on the date is processed and is not updated live anytime you open the report. So you will eventually want to Refresh to update from amazon servers, the report information to take decision based on actual data values such as Ranking, buybox price or if you modify your advance setup values such as fees by unit , fees by weight etc).
DELETE AsinScanner Project Reports
Click on the Trash Can Button on the right Actions Column to Delete Selected report from your report listings, once deleted you cannot recover data report.
Personalize your SpreadSheet (Columns, Filtering, Sort)
Once you open a AsinScanner uploaded project you can adjust and personalize what data columns to show, what filters are applied, and how you want data to be sorted, so you can personalize to your desired needs or strategies and visualize exactly what you want in ASINScanner shows on the report.
Selecting and Moving Columns: You have the flexibility to show/hide columns on your project report view, to modify as your desire follow this steps
Click on 3 Vertical dots on the right side of any column Label.
Select Columns on the displayed menu
Click on any Check Box to turn on /off visibility of each data column. To visualize columns such as (Fees by unit, fees by weight, tax, custom fees) setup and enable advance switch AsinScanner on your profile.
To Move and arrange the displayed position of any data column simply click, drag and drop the column from the header name and reposition to the desire location.
APPLY FILTERS: Because you want to filter out search criterias to your desire strategy and find your best product search based on ranking or price range, if amazon is or not selling and so on. Be creative and apply different strategies.
Follow this steps to filter any column with the data ranges of our selection.
Click on 3 Vertical dots on the right side of the desired column Label.
Select Filter on the displayed menu.
Apply Filter Criteria
There are three types of filter based on data type singe value, (true False) o r data range
For the true false as for on Amazon on Listing Column you can directly from the column header select on the radial button is true or is false, or from the filter menu and defin filter selection, if you select is true in this example if amazon is selling the product will be display only those amazon is curently selling the asin, if "is False" is selected then will show only those asins that are NOT sold by Amazon.
For single Values Filtering Data types, you can simply select directly from the column header filter by one condition define type value on box and select if is greater than or less than the specified value.
For some columns you can type and search for specific ASIN or CPU , Brand Name or other value or search criteria.
If your filter criteria will be defined in between a range of numbers then you need to click on the 3 vertical dots on the header then under filter menu, capture your 1st value then define greater than, then capture second value define less than, and apply filter by click in blue filter button.
You can always edit or modify andy applied filter range or value.
You can also remove or clear out any applied filters by clicking on the clear filter icon on the header or accessing the 3 vertical dots, then under filter menu click on the Clear button.
SORTING Data: Because you want to sort data to find your best product opportunities such as best ranking, or greater ROI or MARGIN, Follow this steps to sort out data columns.
Click on desired column header on the top right 3 vertical dots you want to sort
Then click on the desired sort option Ascending or Descending sorting modes.
All about Views (Personalize, Save, Restore Defaults)
Because you want to save and apply same view style and filtering strategies to many different uploaded projects in ASINScanner, we have defined 3 different VIEWS or presets to save and display on any other report just by selecting on the top left VIEW 1, VIEW2, or VIEW3.
Profit Hunter has a defined factory preset for the View to display, but you can personalize and save each view as you desire, this overall saved view will apply to all of the project files you open, then you select your defined save view and will applied to shown data.
Why do we need this? You can apply style or different search filter criterias and want to duplicate same strategy on man projects, so you don't need to modify each time you open the project the columns to view, order sort of filters, just select the desired saved view and changes apply, this will optimize your time searching products on listings. so you can have up to 3 strategy or saved views.
How to do it,
Fist on the Top left View1 drop down selector, select the view 1, 2 or 3, you want to load or configure.
Apply all possible desired view, sort and filter settings you need to reply.
Click on Blue Save view button, this will now save your setting to the selected view. If you open same or other report select the saved view all style and filters will be applied.
You can select a view, make new changes and save as many times the view settings.
LOAD View Green Button: On selected view if you change some style, sorting or new filter values and want to reload the saved preset for that view you click on this button and your saved preset will display again.
Set Default Orange Button On the top right you'll see this Set Default, what this button will do is to reset the selected view to what ProfitHunter as defined as factory values and style for that view. So if you cant to clear one specific view to factory default values click in Set Default then refresh the report for this values to take effect, then you can adjust and save again.
SEARCH Box: On the top right below the orange Set Default you can type any value, and profit hunter will display results that matched any column and data that contains the search caption for that data report on any column. It can be any currency or number value, it can be andy text such as ASIN, or it can be a UPC, Brand or category.
Exporting Data
After you have applied filters and have that great product selection of your applied filter strategy selected products and want to download or export to keep on further analyzing on your local format spreadsheet, just click on the Export to Excel top left button on your opened project report, and save file to your local device, then on your file browser identify rename and open your file as usual.
After uploading and processing a new report file to asinscanner, some uploaded listing records my not appear in the report, this will be registered under the Error Log window report for each project file.
You can open the Error Log on the red Top View Errors Button once you open a project report file in asinscanner.
Why it ends up in the Error list and is not processed on the data report?
This could be for many reasons but especially what i can mention is that your source data may be wrong formated or incorrect values, as for example your UPC Universal Product Code is not correct UPC EAN GTIN correct data type specification. Some suppliers have their own product codes labels that do not comply with UPC o EAN Codes, or the format or data type is not correct comun error is to apply number format to UPC and will have one or more decimal after the upc this makes a totally different value and data type.
Example of UPC
correct UPC 194735006755
Incorrect Value 006755
Incorrect format type 194
735006755.00 or 194,735,006,755.00
Incorrect structure type 194-735006-755 o
or added Blank spaces before after or in between data " 194735006755 "
Example of ASIN
Incorrect ASIN Value > dg123
Incorrect ASIN structure type B09CF-YFDT3 or (B09CFYFDT3)
or added Blank spaces before after or in between data " B09CFYFDT3 "
So if incorrect values or format ProfitHunter upload process will NOT find and match products from amazon product database matching UPC or ASIN and requesting data to generate report, so it will b
e added to the Error Log.
Why Is important to review the error log?
To identify and correct data source errors by structure, data type or format. correct and upload again.
But especially if the UPC of the uploaded product does not EXIST on AMAZON product database, will not match and will not retrieve data and will not display on the report but will be on the error logs.
This Products on the Error Log NOT Sold on Amazon, sometimes are Great Opportunities to review, analyze and create NEW listings to sell on Amazon.